Metallic Bonding

Learning Objectives

  • the common properties of metals (lustre, malleability, ductility, heat and electrical conductivity) with reference to the nature of metallic bonding and the structure of metallic crystals, including limitations of representations; general differences between properties of main group and transition group metals

Summary Notes

What is Metallic Bonding?

Metallic lattice structures are made up of an array of cations (positively charged ions). The outer shell electrons from each metal atom are found in a common sea and are delocalized.

Electrostatic forces of attraction between the positively charged cations and the negatively charged electrons hold the lattice together.

Properties of Metals

  • good conductors of heat and electricity (charged particles, electrons, are free to move).

  • high melting points.

  • malleable (shaped easily).

  • ductile (formed into wires).

  • often hard (do not break easily)

  • are lustrous (have a shiny surface when polished).

An image of silver (Ag) coins (Pixabay License)

Video to help build your understanding

Metallic Bonding and Properties

Practice Material