Empirical Formula

Learning Objectives

  • experimental determination of the empirical formula of an ionic compound.

Summary Notes

Empirical Formula

Molecular Formula

The molecular formula of a compound represents the actual composition of a compound. It gives the kind and number of atoms of element present in the compound.

A molecular formula is either the same as the empirical formula or is a whole number multiple of it. You can find the multiple of it by dividing the given molecular mass by the molar mass of the empirical formula.


The Empirical formula of hydrazine is NH2. The compound has a Molar Mass of 32g mol-1. What is its molecular formula?

M(NH2) = 16 g mol-1- this is twice the molar mass of the molar mass - 16 x 2 = 32 g mol-1.

So, the molecular formula is double the empirical formula- N2H4.

Videos to help build your understanding

How to find the Empirical Formula

How to find the Molecular Formula

Practice Material

Empirical Formula Practice Questions

Molecular Formula Questions - look at the answers only after you've given the questions a go!